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Date: 3/31/2023

The person who make/write the documentation: Julius Yax

Plan: Eli led the lesson today. He made a very detailed google slides presentation leading the students to log into Tinkercad with their student accounts and how to get started. The plan was to introduce it and let the students work the rest of the time. 

Glows: The lesson went according to plan. The intro didn’t take very long at all and the students were able to get started very quickly. There was some trouble with the computers turning on and students getting logged in at first but we were able to get students moving along swiftly. No one had any trouble logging into Tinkercad. I want to commend Eli in allowing the students to vote on whether they wanted to go to the lab to work on Tinkercad or stay in the classrooms and work on their laptops. It's important to let the students have choices and since we didn’t have a preference either way, it was perfect.  

Grows: It wasn’t too noticeable because there were only eight students on Friday but Eli could work on overall projecting and being loud enough to be heard from the back of the room. If the lesson was to be taught again, including some basic site maneuvering would be beneficial to the students. Either in a slide format with pictures or by projecting a teacher's Tinkercad and showing it in real-time. We went around individually to the students and helped them out.  

Artifacts :












Analysis: I guess I’m just curious about how they will turn out once they’re printed and which students will want a bigger-printed house to focus on the details while designing/printing and which will want a smaller one to focus on the environment. So far it seems like they are enjoying the 3D modeling and house-making more than the prospect of the ceramic environments so I’m interested in how they will turn out. 



Documentation Day Two

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