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Date: 4/10/2023

The person who make/write the documentation: Julius Yax


Plan: This is day 5 of the lesson for us, but the third day we were with the students. Day 3 and 4 of the lesson were taught by Ms. Mills. During those days the students focused on the ceramic environment for their houses. For day 5 we planned for students to have a work day on both Tinkercad and with clay.

Originally, we wanted our students’ main priority to be finishing the clay environment as the end of the lesson expectation was to have a fired and painted clay environment, and a printed and painted home that fits within the scene. But because there were only eight students the day we introduced Tinkercad, more than half the students were a whole lesson behind. We shifted our final expectations and daily expectations accordingly. For day 5 the new priority was to to finish modeling their houses on Tinkercad. Grace was the primary in leading students through the expectations and walked around to help students as I managed the slicer program and Eli and I began printing. Nine students finished during class, and eight of them began printing. We decided that Wednesday at 1 pm was the absolute last chance they had to upload their houses in the drop folder.

Glows: Our communication as a group and with Katy has remained very strong. All of us know what the plans are and we collaborate to make changes when needed. Another glow specifically for Grace is that she learns students’ names and connects to them so easily. She has a great hold on taking charge in the classroom and I greatly admire her for that. Another glow is that the students’ designs were AMAZING. Even the ones who had never used Tinkercad made such impressive architectural structures.

Grows: The process of changing the final and daily expectations from here on out was a little rocky, we weren’t all on the same page for a second and I worry we may have confused some students. I personally could work to gain confidence in working with the 3D printer. I’m still wary about it and assuming the worst.

Artifacts :












Analysis: The first two artifacts are screenshots of the eight houses we sent to be printed. And the last two are pictures we took of the printer right before we left for the day. I am so proud of our students and with what they were able to create in such a short amount of time. I just hope they turn out the way the students want them to. I hope the sizing is right and all their details come out and the printer doesn’t make a fuss and its all printed on Wednesday.

Grace and I were talking about some issues brought out by the timing of this lesson. We expect them to be building to nearly finished with the ceramic environments before we and guarantee they will have their house printed. I fear students will get stuck not knowing how much room to leave for their houses and not getting any work done on the environment. Also, there’s no way we can fix it at this point without heavily extending the lesson. If I taught this again I would make it a longer and more involved process and bring the environments in after the houses are already finished and painted.

Documentation Day Three

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