Grace, Julius, Elijah
Documentation Day Four
Date: 4/12/2023
The person who make/write the documentation: Julius Yax
Plan: This is the second to last day of the lesson and the last full work day the students have with us. More than half the students had not yet finished modeling their houses on Tinkercad so that was the utmost priority as today was the absolute last day we could print. After that students were free to work on their environments and Ms. Mills had some free-art materials they could use if students completely finished.
Glows: I am happy to say that we got 10 houses to the printer today, leaving only one who had been absent a lot and we agreed could print Friday, and one reprint left. We were rock stars today, getting students where we wanted them to be. we were all running around, in the beginning, seeing where everyone was, and helping them upload to the drop folder. Once those started coming in, I pulled away to begin formatting them in the slicer program as Grace continued to help students and Eli ran around outside the classroom getting SD cards from the printers to upload the houses on and getting them started on the printer.
Grows: We should have made it easier for students to upload their pieces. It was a lot of steps and took a long time to get students there. If done again we would make a single drop folder and upload it directly to their Google Classroom. Other grows come from our unfamiliarity with 3D printing and not being able to answer students' questions or accidentally breaking off details in their houses when we took off the supports. With more practice we would be able to work around them or at least let students know that small details may not translate well.
Artifacts :
Analysis: I was consistently amazed by the architectural skill they brought to their house designs. The first three artifacts are screenshots of the slicer program showing what the houses will be printed – four to a plate. The last three are individual houses that I removed from the masses because I felt they needed to be seen alone. The last house I wanted to focus on for a second because I thought it looked the most real and lived-in compared to the others, when I asked the artist about it, he said that it was based on a house that he and his family built. The interior and exterior is all wood from the local forest. He gave some other details on which family member did what. It seemed like such a fundamental bonding experience for him and the older members of his nuclear and extended family. I’m not completely sure if he lives in this house or if it was built for other family members but he knows it well enough to model it almost from memory.